About “The Rowdy Baker”

rowdy buttonJust so you know…I am not a pastry chef, have never attended a culinary school, and was raised in a home where my mother never baked. I do, however, love to eat baked goods – which was probably the catalyst that turned me into an obsessive baker, and recipe collector extraordinaire.

Confessions: If a recipe calls for a teaspoon of a dry ingredient, I measure it in my palm. (This will take a little practice.) I rarely bring my eggs to room temperature, don’t always sift my dry ingredients together, and sometimes I get distracted and forget to add an ingredient in its proper order. And do you know what? It still turns out great! Maybe, just maybe, if I’d followed instructions exactly it would have been even better, but nobody else has to know that.

For the last thirteen years I’ve been retired and living with my husband, dogs, and cats on twenty acres in the country. Life is simple here, and I have plenty of time to play in the kitchen. But even when we lived and worked in the city, and raised our children, I made time to bake—even if that meant being regularly sleep-deprived.

For me, baking is a compulsion. A very fun compulsion! For you, baking might seem intimidating or time-consuming – but it doesn’t have to be either of those things. Stick with me and I’ll walk you through the easy stuff, and I’ll bet you will discover the joy I’ve found in creating edible art.

The time that I spend in the kitchen is justified when I consider the amount of money I save and the satisfaction I achieve. Besides, it makes my family really, really happy.

Let the flour fly!





14 thoughts on “About “The Rowdy Baker”

  1. super enjoyed reading about you! and i love that you dont scoop and dont make it perfect all the time … im gonna follow your blog.

    not a baker,

  2. Hi Lorina,

    I take my hat off to you if you do bake like this having been raised in a home were there were not baking. My experience has shown me that people who do not cook (or bake), and when I say people I mean mostly females, it’s because they didn’t have a mother who used to cook or bake.

    So, my hat off to you and congratulations!

    • Thank you! I think it was a matter of satisfying my sweet tooth. If my mom didn’t bake, I had to! I did, however, have a grandmother who made wonderful cookies. I use her recipes often.

  3. Hi Lorinda,
    I am finally having time to explore your sight and I believe we will use two of your pumpkin recipes here at school to compare with the ones we currently use for the restaurant. We do use the Starbucks scone recipe and I have my own Pumpkin Maple Breakfast cookie so let the competition begin:) I will let you know the results next week.

    • Awesome! I’m a little nervous, but bring it on! But…awwww, man… can’t you try the pumpkin cream cheese dump cake? It’s the #1 viewed post on my blog!

  4. I enjoyed the pumpkin cheesecake dump recipe. Sad to see yummy northeast STILL not up. Gees. We’re heading down the stretch of 2016– hope they do it soon. Will look forward to more of your blogging tho

    • Thank you – I miss YN too, but I know that the editor has lots of irons in the fire right now. I’ve had the same problem, but am now getting ready to jump right back into creating recipes. Thank you for your comment <3

  5. We live on 12 acres in Idaho, 4 wheeled at 6000′ feet today in a ghost town, and found huckleberries. Picked two cups and am making your muffins tomorrow, best recipe I found. Thanks for sharing. Since the recipe only requires 3/4 cup, we’ll have panckes, too! I have 2 gallons in tge freezer for winter enjoyment but love them fresh.

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