Tropical Strawberry Tortecake!

Tropical Strawberry Tortecake from The Rowdy Baker


Here is a recipe that is definitely a labor of love, an artistic adventure, and a culinary explosion of flavors and textures.

The recipe looks long because…well, because it is! Let’s go with “involved”, but not difficult. You will be making pie crust, pastry cream, thickened pineapple puree, and coconut whipped cream. You’ll also be melting chocolate, slicing and sugaring strawberries, and thickening strawberry juice for a pretty drizzle. If you choose to, you will make a few chocolate curls or toast a little coconut.

Oh, and you’ll also be washing lots of bowls, pans, and equipment.

and it is…


Tropical Strawberry Tortecake - The Rowdy Baker


If you’re shaking your head, saying “Oh, hell no!”, remember this: Most of this can be made ahead so the assembly can be done quickly when you’re ready. There are also short cuts, should you choose to use them, such as vanilla pudding instead of pastry cream, crushed pineapple instead of the lovely, light puree, and whipping cream from a can for the top. You could even (this hurts to say it) use packaged pie crusts.

This took me about 2 hours, start to finish. I think I could do it more quickly now, since part of that time was spent searching for my blender and doing a little bit of cleaning up as I went.

Hope you like stirring! During the process of making this, you will need to remember to occasionally stir the strawberries, the pastry cream, and the pineapple puree.

Tropical Strawberry Torte Cake
Makes four generous, luscious desserts. Six, if you make thinner layers of pie crust.
  • FRUIT:
  • 2 cups, packed, thinly sliced strawberries
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 2 cups fresh pineapple, in small chunks
  • ¾ (approximately) teaspoon agar-agar, divided (I buy this in bulk at my local health food store.)
  • ****
  • ¼ cup milk
  • 1 tablespoon vodka (you can use the cheap stuff! Or if you prefer, you can use white vinegar.
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1¼ teaspoons salt
  • 1 cup shortening, very cold
  • Coarse sugar (I use sparkling sugar)
  • 1 ounce of melted dark chocolate
  • ½ teaspoon coconut oil
  • ****
  • 4 tablespoons cornstarch
  • ⅓ cup sugar
  • ⅓ cup water
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 cup whole milk (you can substitute half & half if you want a richer cream)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • ****
  • FOR DECORATING (optional)
  • Whipped coconut milk (using can of chilled coconut milk)* or lightly sweetened whipping cream
  • Chocolate curls
  • Toasted coconut
  1. Place sliced strawberries in a small bowl and add ½ cup sugar. Stir well and set aside. (Stir now and then, when you think about it.)
  2. Heat oven to 400 F.
  4. In a small cup, combine the milk and vodka. Set aside.
  5. In a large bowl, combine the flour and salt. With your fingers (or a pastry blender), blend the cold shortening into the flour mixture until well combined. Use a light hand; it's fine if there are small lumps of shortening visible.
  6. Add milk and vodka all at once. Stir gently, using fingers or fork, until you can gather it into a rough ball.
  7. Flatten dough onto a lightly floured piece of parchment. Sprinkle with flour and cover with parchment. Roll out about ¼-inch thick.
  8. Remove top sheet of parchment and lightly sprinkle with coarse sugar. Pat gently with your hand. Place the top piece of parchment back on dough and, grabbing one edge (make sure you have both pieces of parchment AND a little of the dough in your hands), flip it quickly over.
  9. Peel off top, sprinkle that side with sugar and pat. Cut with 3-inch square cookie cutter. You should easily get 12 squares, with a little dough left over. (bake and eat the scraps!)
  10. Using flat spatula, move squares to ungreased baking sheet. Prick all over with a fork and bake for about 10-12 minutes, or until just beginning to get brown around the edges. Move to a cooling rack.
  11. Melt chocolate and coconut oil in a small pan on low, or in the microwave. Melt it slowly, stirring often. Drizzle over cooled pastry squares. (I like to use a small zipper bag with one corner snipped off.)
  13. In a medium bowl, whisk together the cornstarch, sugar, water, and egg yolks until frothy.
  14. In a medium pan over medium heat, bring milk almost to the boiling point. You should see bubbles all around the edges, and bubbles just beginning to come up in the middle.
  15. Pour half of the hot mixture into the egg yolk mixture, whisking thoroughly. Return the mixture to the pan and whisk over medium-low heat until it thickens...1 -2 minutes. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Whisk well to avoid lumps. Cover lightly and whisk every 5 minutes or so until it cools completely.
  17. Place pineapple in blender and blend until smooth. Measure out 1½ cups of puree. If you don't have quite enough, add some of the sugar-juice from the strawberries.
  18. Place puree in a small pan over medium heat. Sprinkle with ½ teaspoon agar-agar. Whisk until mixture comes to a boil. Lower heat if necessary to keep mixture at a low simmer for 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside, stirring occasionally until room temperature.
  19. Add one-third of the cooled pastry cream to the pineapple mixture and stir well.
  20. Drain strawberries, reserving the liquid.
  21. Place one pastry square on each dessert plate.
  22. Place a spoonful of pastry cream on each square, spreading cream slightly.
  23. Place a spoonful of pineapple puree on the pastry cream, spreading slightly.
  24. Divide half of the strawberries between the four squares, and top with another pastry square.
  25. Repeat, ending with pastry square.
  26. In a small pan, combine ½ cup reserved strawberry juice and a pinch of agar-agar. Stir on medium high until thickened. Drizzle over desserts.
  27. Top with whipped coconut milk or whipping cream. Garnish with chocolate curl, a strawberry slice, or toasted coconut.
  28. Serve proudly!
  29. *To whip coconut milk, open chilled can of coconut milk and carefully scoop out the solid cream at the top. Discard (or use elsewhere) liquid at the bottom. Beat in a cold bowl, just as you would whipping cream. Sweeten to taste after cream forms peaks.

I took photos – lots and lots of photos, but will try to just hit the highlights. Here we go!

Stir sugar into strawberries. Set aside but stir occasionally.

Stir sugar into strawberries. Set aside but stir occasionally.

I use vodka in my pie crust. You can use vinegar if you'd prefer.

I use vodka in my pie crust. You can use vinegar if you’d prefer.

Add liquids to flour and stir gently with fingers or fork.

Add liquids to flour and stir gently with fingers or fork.

Flip the dough over, parchment and all, and pull off top piece of parchment.

Flip the dough over, parchment and all, and pull off top piece of parchment.

Sprinkle dough with coarse sugar. (I like sparkling sugar!)

Sprinkle dough with coarse sugar. (I like sparkling sugar!)

I'm generous with this stuff because I love CRUNCH!

I’m generous with this stuff because I love CRUNCH!

Cut out 12 squares

Cut out 12 squares

Place on baking sheet and prick all over with a fork

Place on baking sheet and prick all over with a fork

Bake until they just start turning golden brown at the edges. (They kinda look like saltines!)

Bake until they just start turning golden brown at the edges

Sprinkle agar-agar on pineapple puree and simmer

Sprinkle agar-agar on pineapple puree and simmer

The pastry cream - nice and thick

The pastry cream – nice and thick

Assemble! Add some pastry cream. (You can be a little more generous than this.)

Assemble! Add some pastry cream. (You can be a little more generous than this.)

Add the pineapple puree

Add the pineapple puree

Then some berries, and...repeat!

Then some berries, and…repeat!

Find a FORK!

Find a FORK!

More desserts, coming up. But first, I’d better hit that stationary bike in the back bedroom…



Sour Cream Apple Muffins

Sour Cream Apple Muffins - The Rowdy BakerI baked a Sour Cream Apple Pie for dessert last week and it reminded me of a muffin my son and I created a long, long time ago. Of course, that recipe has long since disappeared, but I think I’ve managed to come close to our original concept.

There were some changes made to my basic muffin recipe, since I wanted them to be rich (butter instead of oil), yet light and fluffy (cake flour instead of all-purpose). I also used tulip muffin liners because it gives you more room to PILE ON the streusel topping.

Pile on the streusel!

Pile on the streusel!

There is cinnamon in the streusel, and a little in the muffins, but the important flavor – the flavor that makes these taste just like my favorite pie – is nutmeg. I was pretty generous with it, so if you’re not as fond of nutmeg as I, you may want to cut the amount in half.

The fragrance is out of this world, and they’re good either hot out of the oven or room temperature.Sour Cream Apple Muffins from The Rowdy Baker

You’ll get 12 tall muffins from this recipe if you use tulip liners. If you want to use regular muffin liners, fill them 2/3 full and then add streusel to the top. You should get approximately 16-18 muffins that way. There will also be some muffin-top action happening, so grease the top of the pan lightly so the streusel won’t stick.

Sour Cream Apple Muffins
Makes 12 muffins (using tulip muffin liners) or 16-18 muffins using regular liners.
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 cup flour (all-purpose is best, but cake flour works too.)
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 7 tablespoons melted butter (1 stick, minus one tablespoon)
  • 2 cups cake flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg (more or less to taste)
  • 1 tart apple, peeled, cored, and chopped into small pieces (I use Granny Smith)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 6 tablespoons melted butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  1. Heat oven to 375 F. Place 12 paper tulip-shaped liners in muffin pans. (If you are using regular liners, you will need two pans, as there will be 15-18 muffins.)
  2. In a small bowl, combine all of the streusel ingredients. Stir with a fork until combined, and set aside.
  3. In a large bowl, sift together twice: flour, 1 cup sugar, baking powder, soda, salt, and nutmeg.
  4. In a small bowl, toss the chopped apple with 1 cinnamon and 1 tablespoon sugar. Add to dry ingredients, folding in carefully. Don't put that bowl in the sink...use for the next step!
  5. Whisk together melted butter, eggs, sour cream, milk, and vanilla. Fold gently into the dry ingredients, being very careful not to stir, just until most of the flour is incorporated - you should be able to see a few wisps of flour.
  6. Divide between 12 tulip liners. (If you are using regular liners, fill approximately ⅔ full.)
  7. Break the streusel up with a fork and sprinkle over muffin batter. Use it up! Trust me - there's no such thing as too much streusel!
  8. Bake for approximately 22 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the middle of one of the muffins comes out clean.
  9. Cool on a rack for 5 minutes, then remove cupcakes from pan to cool completely.

Here's what you'll need.

Here’s what you’ll need.

Sift together the dry ingredients...twice!

Sift together the dry ingredients…twice!

Coat the chopped apples in cinnamon sugar

Coat the chopped apples in cinnamon sugar.

Gently toss apples in flour mixture.

Gently toss apples in flour mixture.

Add the liquids, and very gently fold in. A few wisps of flour showing is just fine!

Add the liquids, and very gently fold in. A few wisps of flour showing is just fine!

Spoon batter into liners and cover with streusel.

Spoon batter into liners and cover with streusel. More streusel than this!!!

Smother the muffin batter with streusel!

Smother the muffin batter with streusel!

Sour Cream Apple Muffins - From The Rowdy Baker

  • A soft, light texture
  • Al dente, tangy apple chunks
  • Crisp, sweet, crumbly topping

Breakfast just doesn’t get any better than this!

And believe it or not, even though there are quite a few ingredients, I can have these ready for the oven in 20 minutes; you can too!


Chocolate Cherry Tea Cookies

Leave it plain for a pretty hanging cookie.

Leave it plain for a pretty hanging cookie.

These tender little sugar cookies with bits of chocolate and maraschino cherries will delight anyone with a sweet tooth. Surprise co-workers, friends, and loved ones with homemade Valentine treats!

(Also, at the bottom of the blog you’ll find links to three more recipes from my amazing blogger friends – and you do not want to miss those, so read on!)

They’re versatile! Decorate with chocolate, use a special heart-shaped “cup hanger” cutter, make little two-bite hearts with chocolate centers or write names on larger hearts.Add color for a hot pink Valentine effect, or let the cherries give them just a hint of peachy pink.

Drizzle or dip - chocolate is always a good choice!

Drizzle or dip – chocolate is always a good choice!

Make a dainty hot pink cookie to go with a cup of tea.

Make a dainty hot pink cookie to go with a cup of tea.

I often use a variation on my basic shortbread cookie because I love the texture – and because the recipe is EASY!  They are a little fragile though, so make sure they’re cooked long enough (too soft and they’ll break, but bake them too long and the pink will turn an unattractive color) and handle and transport them with care.

This makes a lot of cookes – 6 dozen. The baked cookies freeze well, or you can always freeze the cut out shapes between layers of parchment in a zipper bag. Or you can just eat them with abandon!


Chocolate Cherry Tea Cookies
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 2 cups butter, softened (if using unsalted butter, increase salt by ¼ teaspoon)
  • 1 teaspoon cherry flavoring
  • A few drops of pink or red food coloring, if desired
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 cup mini chocolate chips
  • 24 (to taste) maraschino cherries, finely chopped and lightly blotted with paper towels
  • 4 cups flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  1. Heat the oven to 350 F.
  2. In a large bowl, combine powdered sugar and butter. Beat until light and fluffy.
  3. Add flavoring, food coloring if using, and egg yolks, and blend well. (If using a stand mixer, you may want to switch to the dough hook at this point!)
  4. Add the chocolate chips, cherries, flour, salt and cornstarch. Stir just until the mixture forms a smooth dough. Dough will be stiff! If you have a sturdy dough hook, let it do the work. If not, you might have to knead it together by hand.
  5. Roll out the dough to about ¼ inch thick between sheets of lightly floured parchment. Cut with cookie cutters of your choice.
  6. Place 1 inch apart on ungreased cookie sheet and bake 11-12 minutes, The bottom edges should just be turning golden brown. Watch the cookies carefully - if they get too dark the pink will turn an unattractive orange color!
  7. Move cookie sheet to a rack to cool for 1 to 2 minutes, then slide cookies onto rack to cool completely.

Your choice: natural or hot pink!

Your choice: natural or hot pink!

Chop and lightly blot cherries.

Chop and lightly blot cherries.

Beat the butter and powdered sugar until fluffy.

Beat the butter and powdered sugar until fluffy.

Add chips, cherries, and dry ingredients. Use a dough hook or lots of muscle!

Add chips, cherries, and dry ingredients. Use a dough hook or lots of muscle!

Roll and cut into your favorite shapes.

Roll and cut into your favorite shapes.

Another option.

Another option.

Chocolate Cherry Tea Cookies with chocolate hearts The Rowdy Baker

Well, this is officially my last Valentine’s post of the year. I still have half a gallon of cherries – which means I either need to freeze them or eat them. Hmmmm……freeze or eat? Freeze or eat?

Well, that was a no-brainer, wasn’t it?

Here are those wonderful recipes I told you about. Crumbs in My Mustachio created a “Tiramisu Cheesecake”, Moore or Less Cooking Blog brought “Fudgy Cherry Cheesecake Brownie Bars”, and Tampa Cake Girl baked an “I Love Chocolate Cake”. Hope you’ll stop by and visit their blogs!

broads valentine collage

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my Rowdy friends!   Lorinda


Cherry Marshmallows – Dipped in Chocolate!

Chocolate Cherry Marshmallow HeartsI adore chocolate covered marshmallows. Plain, flavored, dark chocolate, milk chocolate – I love them all. Well…except for the cheap kind (not even individually wrapped) you get in an egg carton at Easter. Those suck. Patooey!

Anyhow, since I’m working my way through a gallon jug of maraschino cherries, it only makes sense that they found their way into gooey chocolate covered marshmallows. Making marshmallows is really very easy, and they taste so much better than the ones from the store.

Dipping things in chocolate isn’t my favorite thing to do; for some reason I don’t have any problem getting flour and powdered sugar everywhere, and can dig my hands into a big pile of dough, but I really don’t like getting chocolate on my hands.

I pull up my big girl panties and do it, though – because the results are always, always good.

These marshmallows are mild tasting, with little bursts of cherry flavor. I think it complements milk chocolate coating very well.  If you want a more distinct cherry taste, or are using a strong dark chocolate for dipping, just add a little cherry flavoring in place of some of the vanilla. You can also add a dash of coloring if you choose.Chocolate Cherry Marshmallow Hearts up close

Cherry Marshmallows - Dipped in Chocolate
This recipe will make about 15 large chocolate hearts.
  • 24 maraschino cherries (more or less, to taste)
  • ½ cup cold water
  • 3 packages of powdered gelatin (like Knox)
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • ¼ cup water
  • ⅔ cup light corn syrup
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla (or ½ teaspoons vanilla, ½ teaspoon cherry flavoring)
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • ¼ cup cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon shortening or coconut oil
  • 12 ounces chocolate, chopped - or you can use good-quality chocolate chips
  1. Finely chop the maraschino cherries. Roll in paper towels, pressing firmly to remove as much juice as possible. Set aside.
  2. Line a 9x13" (quarter sheet) pan with plastic. I find it's easiest to do this if I oil the pan lightly first to hold the plastic in place. Lightly oil the plastic.
  3. Put ½ cup cold water in a large mixing bowl (a sturdy stand mixer works best) and sprinkle the gelatin over the water. Let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes to soften the gelatin. You don't need to stir it..
  4. In a medium pan on medium heat, bring sugar, ¼ cup water, and corn syrup to a boil, stirring constantly. Once the mixture boils, stop stirring and let it boil for 2 minutes.
  5. Pour hot syrup slowly over gelatin mixture, mixing on low speed until well combined.
  6. Add salt and beat on high until very thick. It doesn't have to hold a stiff peak, but when a beater or spoon is lifted, it should hold shape and not immediately return into the bowl. This could take anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 minutes, depending on your mixer.
  7. Add vanilla, flavoring if you're using it, and chopped cherries.
  8. Spread evenly in pan. Allow the marshmallow to set for at least 3 hours. The top should not feel sticky!
  9. in a small bowl, combine the powdered sugar and cornstarch.
  10. Lift the plastic wrap and marshmallow out of the pan and set on a level surface. Cut with a lightly greased cookie cutter, dredging each heart in the powdered sugar, cornstarch mix. Flip the marshmallow from hand to hand to dust off excess sugar.
  11. Melt shortening or coconut oil and chocolate together slowly, using a pan on lowest heat or a microwave at 50% power in 30 second increments. Stir often! Chocolate should be smooth and barely warm. If it is too thick, add a little more oil. Stir, stir, stir!
  12. Cover a baking sheet with parchment.
  13. Dip each marshmallow in the chocolate, covering completely. The marshmallows are pretty sturdy - they won't melt. A large serving fork works well for this. Tap against the edge of the bowl or pan to remove excess chocolate. Use a knife or spatula to slide heart onto parchment.
  14. Chill in refrigerator until chocolate is firm. Decorate if desired, using drizzled chocolate, sprinkles, or edible glitter. Or write names on the hearts with royal icing.


Squeeze out all the juice from the chopped cherries.

Squeeze out all the juice from the chopped cherries.

Sprinkle gelatin over old water.

Sprinkle gelatin over old water.

Boil sugar, water, and corn syrup.

Boil sugar, water, and corn syrup.

Slowly add hot syrup to gelatin mixture.

Slowly add hot syrup to gelatin mixture.

Beat until VERY thick. It looks like it's falling off the beater, but it's just hanging there.

Beat until VERY thick. It looks like it’s falling off the beater, but it’s just hanging there.

Add flavor and cherries and spread into prepared pan.

Add flavor and cherries and spread into prepared pan.

When firm, cut out shapes using greased cutter.

When firm, cut out shapes using greased cutter.

Dredge hearts in powdered sugar and cornstarch.

Dredge hearts in powdered sugar and cornstarch.



Chocolate Cherry Marshmallow Hearts dipped


We’ve still got some cold weather here, and I’m thinking I’ll try one of these plopped into a big mug of hot cocoa tonight.



Chewy Chocolate Cherry Cookies

Chewy Chocolate Cherry Cookies The Rowdy BakerWith a soft, chewy texture that lies somewhere between a cookie and a brownie, this explosion of dark chocolate and maraschino cherry will satisfy you right down to your toes. And yes, I get a little bit passionate about cherries!


The Rowdy Baker loves her some cherries!

The Rowdy Baker loves her some cherries!

This recipe is a little fussier than a normal cookie recipe – more ingredients, a few extra steps – but it’s well worth the effort, especially for a holiday like Valentine’s Day.

Chewy Chocolate Cherry Cookies
Makes 4-5 dozen These cookies get softer and more flavorful after 24 hours!
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) butter
  • 6 ounces unsweetened chocolate
  • 1½ cup white sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla
  • ¼ cup buttermilk
  • 4 eggs, room temperature
  • 3½ cups all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup mini chocolate chips (or finely chopped chocolate)
  • ½ cup chopped walnuts - more if desired
  • 1 10-oz jar maraschino cherries
  • ICING:
  • ⅓ cup heavy cream
  • 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate
  • 2 tablespoons maraschino cherry juice or ¼ teaspoon cherry flavoring (optional)
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • decorate with maraschino cherries, sprinkles, chopped nuts
  1. Heat oven to 350 F. Lightly grease two baking sheets (or cover with parchment)
  2. Drain cherries, reserving 2 tablespoons for icing, if desired. Chop cherries into small pieces and set aside. (Don't press or dry the chopped cherries...a little juice is fine.)
  3. In a medium pan, melt butter and unsweetened chocolate together on low heat. Stir frequently. When chocolate is completely melted, remove from heat and stir.
  4. Add white sugar and brown sugar to the butter mixture and stir well.
  5. Add vanilla and buttermilk, stirring until combined.
  6. Put mixture into a large bowl. Add eggs and beat on medium speed for 1 minute.
  7. Add flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt, and mix just until dry ingredients are incorporated.
  8. Add chocolate chips, walnuts, and chopped cherries.
  9. With cookie scoop or by rounded tablespoon, drop dough at least 1 inch apart on prepared baking sheet. (Don't chill this dough. Bake the cookies right away, or scoop onto baking sheets and freeze for later.)3-4 minutes before moving to the rack to cool completely. Ice and decorate cookies.
  10. ICING:
  11. In a medium pan, heat the cream, chocolate, and cherry juice on low, stirring frequently until chocolate is melted. Remove from heat and stir well, until completely smooth. Gradually add the powdered sugar and beat until smooth and creamy. Let icing sit, stirring occasionally, until thick enough to spread without dripping...about 1 hour. (This will vary, depending on the temperature of your house.)

Note: Bake these right away. If you let the dough sit too long or put it in the fridge, it will set up like soft fudge!  If you don’t want to bake them all, I suggest scooping the dough onto baking sheets and freezing for later.

Chop those cherries!

Chop those cherries!

Melt the butter and chocolate.

Melt the butter and chocolate.

Add the sugars and stir like crazy!

Add the sugars and stir like crazy!

Stirring in the chocolate chips, nuts, and cherries.

Stirring in the chocolate chips, nuts, and cherries.

Scoop onto prepared sheet - parchment for this batch.

Scoop onto prepared baking sheet – parchment for this batch.

Baked. Aren't they pretty?

Baked. Aren’t they pretty?

And now, for the icing!

Gently melt the chocolate and cream (and maybe a little cherry juice) for the icing.

Gently melt the chocolate and cream (and maybe a little cherry juice) for the icing.

Whisk in the powdered sugar until it's velvety smooth.

Whisk in the powdered sugar until it’s velvety smooth.

Dollop (best for cherries) or spread (best for sprinkles) the icing.

Dollop (best for cherries) or spread (best for sprinkles) the icing.

Admire your creations before they disappear!

Admire your creations before they disappear!

Here’s another idea: Buy some glass candle holders from the dollar store and serve individual cookies at each place setting. Pretty classy, huh?Chewy Chocolate Cherry Cookies individually served The Rowdy Baker

So many cherries, so little time. I’m not sure why I bought a gallon of the things…guess I forgot the advice to “never shop hungry”!


Play Review – Winning Super Bowl Dishes!


Game Day Collage 2016

I put my four favorite football party recipes together into this quick post with links to all of the recipes. Enjoy!

An easy cheese ball and some delicious, crispy rye crackers are perfect for a crowd. You’ll find the recipe for both here: Football Rye Crackers and Cheese Ball

football rye crackers and cheeseball watermarked


Salmon dip in a crusty football-shaped bread bowl is a lot more fun and imaginative than little smokies or chips and salsa! It uses one of my easiest bread recipes, and the salmon dip is a snap to throw together. Find it here: Succulent Salmon Dip (in a crunchy football bowl!)

salmon dip bowl from The Rowdy Baker


Little soft pretzels stuffed with ham and cheese will make everyone cheer! Get the recipe here: Ham and Cheese Pretzel Bombs


ham and cheese pretzel bombs

And my favorite of all, a football shaped meatloaf made with ground pork and ham, and coated with a tangy glaze…a true “pigskin” for those chest-beating guys. Come and get it: Game Day Glazed Meatloaf

Game Day Glazed Meatloaf from The Rowdy Baker




Ice Cream Cupcake Surprise

Ice Cream Cupcake Surprise The Rowdy BakerIf this dessert doesn’t make your Valentine worship you, nothing will! Inside the chocolate coating is a serving of rich chocolate cake, cherry vanilla ice cream, and…(surprise) a chocolate covered cherry.

To make this extra-easy, by all means, use a cake mix and store bought chocolate shell! You could even (*gasp!*) buy a dozen cupcakes and scrape the icing off. But you know me; I have to play with my food…so I’ll give you my recipe for rich chocolate cake and homemade chocolate shell, just in case you choose to go all out and create these desserts from scratch.

You’ll need:

  • One 1.5 quart container of ice cream. (Don’t get me started on the shrinking ice-cream container conspiracy.) I used Cherry Vanilla. Yum!
  • 12 chocolate covered cherries
  • 12 chocolate cupcakes
  • 2 bottles (7.25 ounces each) of chocolate shell (or Magic Shell), usually found in the ice cream aisle. OR you can make your own – I’ll give you the recipe below.
  • sprinkles, if desired


It’s important not to overfill the cupcake liners, because a high dome won’t hold the ice cream well. Fill them just a tiny bit over half full. But if they dome too much, you can always level them later…and eat the scraps, of course.

Start with chocolate cupcakes. (And yes...the cake on the right has too much of a dome.) I shall have to operate!

Start with chocolate cupcakes. (And yes…the cake on the right has too much of a dome.) I shall have to operate!

This chocolate cake recipe makes 12 cupcakes. You may have a tiny bit of batter left, but not much.

Rich Chocolate Cupcakes
This is a small recipe, making approximately 12 cupcakes. You can easily double it. If you do, use 3 eggs.
  • 1¼ cups cake flour
  • ½ cup unsweetened cocoa
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ cup oil (I use avocado or peanut oil)
  • ½ cup strong coffee
  • ½ cup buttermilk (I prefer a thick, Bulgarian buttermilk for this)
  • 1 egg
  1. Heat oven to 350 F. Place liners in cupcake pan.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the cake flour, cocoa, sugar, salt, baking soda, and baking powder.
  3. In a small bowl, combine the oil, coffee, and buttermilk.
  4. Gradually beat the liquids into the dry ingredients. Beat for 1 minute.
  5. Add the egg and beat just until it is completely incorporated.
  6. Fill cupcake liners just a little more than half full.
  7. Bake for approximately 18 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the middle of one cupcake.
  8. Allow cupcakes to cool on a rack for 10 minutes, and then lift them out onto the rack to finish cooling.


Cake ingredients

Cake ingredients

Fill liners just a little more than half full.

Fill liners just a little more than half full.

Remember, we're going for a subtle dome!

Remember, we’re going for a subtle dome!

Now – to assemble the cupcakes:

Slice a thin piece off the top of each cupcake, to level it.

Let your ice cream soften a bit, and then press a chocolate covered cherry round side down into a scoop of softened ice cream. If the ice cream is too firm, you can use a spoon to make a hole for the candy.

Sink a cherry into softened ice cream, round side down.

Sink a cherry into softened ice cream, round side down.

Drop scoops of ice cream (and embedded cherry) onto frozen cupcakes and smooth with a table knife.

Drop ice cream onto cupcake and smooth with a knife.

Drop ice cream onto cupcake and smooth with a knife.

Place cupcakes in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

You saw that, right? Don’t skip that step, or your ice cream will fall off into the coating!

Shake one bottle of chocolate shell thoroughly and pour contents into a small bowl. One by one, dip the cupcakes into the chocolate, all the way to the wrapper. Allow excess to drip off, place on a tray or baking sheet, and decorate with sprinkles.

You’ll need one whole bottle and part of the second. Or…if you want to make your own shell:

10 ounces of good quality dark chocolate
2 level tablespoons coconut oil (I use expeller pressed so it doesn’t taste like coconut.)

Break chocolate into small pieces. In a cup or small bowl in the microwave (or in small pan on the stove) slowly melt chocolate and coconut oil together. It’s important to melt it very slowly at low heat. Stir well.

Dip frozen cupcakes and ice cream into chocolate shell mixture.

Dip frozen cupcakes and ice cream into chocolate shell mixture.


frozen goodness!

Once the coating has hardened, pop the cupcakes back into the freezer until ready to serve. If you will be keeping them in the freezer for more than a few hours, cover them with foil.

Ice Cream Cupcake Surprise The Rowdy Baker

This would be such an easy recipe to adapt for other holidays. Exchange the cherry for a mint truffle and mint ice cream for St. Patrick’s Day, or a peppermint truffle and peppermint ice cream for Christmas. I’d suggest a small Cadbury Cream Egg for Easter, but….euwwww. Anyhow, you get the idea.

Everyone loves ice cream cakes, but they’re awfully messy to cut and serve. Individual cakes are the way to go!
